Certified Ashtanga yoga teacher David Garrigues posted lots of photos in Facebook of Tim Miller’s visit last weekend to Philadelphia.

From Facebook, more pictures of the workshop here

The basis of pranic energy is prana vayu(air).  This is not like the air around us. It is very subtle, with amazing lighting speed like a warm flood of radiance. Grimmly and Satya continue to bring us more on pranayama from the YogaAsanaGalu – By Krishnamacharya

Interesting talk between Heather Morton (back bender extraordinaire) and male student who doubts his own abilities to ever get there.

Nice compilation of Kapotasana videos at the confluence countdown blog.

I want to try this: Home Made Lavender Cocoa Body Butter.

Funny – Lawn chair yoga for memorial day weekend

can you see the fish pose?  Neck seems a bit compromised !

Creativity and Third Series.  Ursula wonders out loud about her practice

Meditation found to increase brain size! Especially the thickness in the areas that deal with attention  – Say Harvard, Yale and MIT.

6 Reasons why she is loving Ashtanga Yoga! I like reading these when they re-appear as a theme throughout the years.

I get a bit grossed out by those “eating” competitions (how many hot dogs -yaicks!- you can eat?), but what I did not know is that the ones that win, and take all the glory tend to be skinny, how is that possible?

VIDEO OF THE WEEK:   Key principles of pasasana – Thanks Kino!


SUNDAY YOGA BLOG TIMES: It Means Nothing To Be Authorized. Or Does It?

List of Authorized Ashtanga Teachers at the KPJAYI website
clicking on the image takes you to the page

Does it mean anything to be an Authorized Ashtanga teacher?

He was a banker, now he is doing yoga: obviously yoga causes mental illness.

All her Urdva Dhanurasana needs is a little photoshop [photo]. That’s one way of doing it! Where is my computer?

She dropped back this week! ? Yeah!, and also wrote the 10 steps to it. Thank you.

To blog or not to blog? While in India

Grimmly got there first (well done!) on posting the extraordinary response of David Garrigues to a student who wonders if, as things are getting too deep, he should continue with Ashtanga yoga or not?

Greg gets ready to fight Bikram, legal jargon and all, you go Yoga for the People!

Nasa confirms finding a planet in a “habitable” zone! It is only 600 light years away, round the corner.

I’m at it again, and here is my delicious vegetarian-smashed-meat lasagna. Hmmm


Seriously? This guy is 72!

Would you like more? Here is Last Sunday’s Yoga Blog Times: What your Blog Has NOT Earned You


What did you think it was?

Can you believe that [left] is a carved pumpkin? here are more!

Ganesh is not the remover of obstacles, says David Garrigues in his Asana Kitchen: Pasasana, that is the hallmark version. Ganesh is actually the one that places obstacles, and we remove them.
It is an ego check and keeper of the first pose of the intermediate series.  Great read and videos.

Funny cartoon on reincarnation

Kino on the logic of the six-times-per-week practice

SereneFlavor offers 3 GREAT ideas for entrepreneurs/yogis.

Bikram is at it again, this time suing Yoga for the People in NYC for poses… watch out studios!

An article that got 160,000 Facebook Likes! You what? I hear you say. Aha! Now, what kind of topic does it take to get there? Well, this one is called: “Why You Are Not Married” and it’s pretty good.

If you blog, insert your domain and see what your blog has NOT earned you.

I saw this picture in Facebook, it makes me laugh and I wanted to share with all of you bloggers out there!  You may have to make your screen bigger, for which using Control (or Command in the Apple) and the plus key (+) helps… I used to be a computer trainer, can you tell?


Want more? Here is Last Sunday’s Yoga Blog Times: When the Goal is To Trim The Body


I completely agree with Richard Freeman on this: marihuana may temporarily give some focus to the practice, but overall it is a huge leak.

Remember the New York Times article about a study on how yoga does or does not help? Well, here is Eddie Stern, telling them they need to smarten up!

Manju talking about meeting Krishnamacharya and Iyengar

Aaaannnd now she believes in those “openings

Grimmly gets a breakthrough too as he touches toes to head in raja kapotasana. Nice. Reminds me that yes all IS coming.

Also, watch the cute pictures of Maya’s daughter who enters raja kapotasana as if is nothing! God bless her!

Of course it is OK and human to celebrate, I mean, she binded in Mari B! that is pretty huge. You go!

How to deal with ‘crappy people’

Great Video explanation on learning to float into Bakasana (crow pose) by David Garrigues.  Love the energy he puts into the explanation!

Want More?
Last Sunday Yoga Blog Times: YOU CAN DO IT!

8 Reasons Why I Blog About Yoga

Carol Horton wrote a fascinating article for Elephant ‘Why Yoga Blogging Matters’ posing the question: Why do you blog? She calls yoga and blogging: “yoging” which did not go well with some commentators but is quite alright with me. I get it. We blog, we yoga. We are yoging. 

These are my 8 reasons:

1.- Community.  I have created some pretty solid friendships over the years here at the blog and I meet new people because of it, all the time.  Besides, when I practice at home I know of others who are also practicing and suddenly do not feel so lonely on the mat, least James joins me. Aaaannnddd there was that one time in which we were all together doing primary series when Sharath streamed the live led class. That was cyber yoga fun at its best.


Aren’t we colorful?

  2.-It brings us back to the old times. I hear from yoga scholars that in the past yoga had different and very distinct schools in India (just like today), and that people from one school would debate and challenge the yogis from the other schools. I believe the Internet has done exactly the same thing for yoga, only it has not even started yet. 

We have our Iyengar blogs (OK  maybe not your Iyengar’s just yet, a google search returns some blogs which are a bit scattered and not so solid).  But then we have our Ashtanga and our Vinyasa Krama blogs (see blog roll on the right).  Wonder where the other styles are at, may have to do some more googling.

And although sometimes the different schools merge due to brilliant blogs that join the techniques (see this one for example), the conversations are still ijust getting started.  At least when it comes to different schools presenting different ideas.  I believe that by talking to each other, as we learn to do it respectfully -which is key for learning- we all benefit by appreciating the subtleties of how others learn.

In the Krishnamacharya tradition we have no shortage of conversations and if well-directed we all grow from going back to the old days and discussing out in the open what we are learning, and what works for us.

3.- It keeps me real.  There was one time…I don’t remember now, or maybe I don’t want to remember, where I may have said something that was just not right, missing the mark.  I had comments that directed me to seeing things in a brighter light.  I learned. Thank you.

4.- It helps me work those other branches of yoga.  Let me tell you, one thing about writing a blog is that sometimes comments and/or discussions can get a bit, well, ‘excited’. And learning to keep to truth, non-violence and ‘to the point’ without engaging with whatever may come is an exercise in yoga. Very much so.  I feel lucky to have a readership that mostly offers encouraging and value-adding comments.  Touching wood right now.

‘Touching wood’ is a South American expression for keeping things that are good coming our way.  We usually say it as we touch real wood, or our heads, for fun.  James tells me in North America you guys ‘knock on wood’.  The head joke still holds. Right now I am touching some real wood.

5.- I get specific tips.  This is a major benefit of ‘yoging’.  There are lots of advanced practitioners out there who not only read and share but are willing to give advise!, I mean, how lucky are we?  I have gotten tips for my back-bends with such detail, sincerity, heck even love, that I may or may not be writing a book about it.

Take for example the day that I asked the question about “nutation”. I specifically wanted to learn what that meant in “English” if you know what I mean, as in plain English, and I had none but David Keil himself answer the question!

Or how David Garrigues or Kino Mac Gregor are all too eager to help and answer questions online by blog, sometimes with videos and all.  A blessing.

6.- Exercises the mental muscles.  Thinking about yoga and writing about it are two different things.  Putting thoughts in writing requires organizing things, which is a whole new skill.  This in turn not only exercises the mind, but, say for example, after a workshop with Ramaswami I get to organize what I learned, go deeper into the teachings, keep talking about it, and learn some more.

7.- Is what I do.  I started writing in journals when I was 9 and bloomed into it when I learned about morning pages.  Writing has always helped me find myself, get out of my own way, and find what is real for me. If there were no blogs I would still write. I just do it. On top of that, add the fact that I love talking about yoga and there you have it: yoging all around!

8.- It is a practice.  I did not think I had an eight reason and it turns out I do.  This is news even to me. I find that writting about yoga has become a ‘practice’. Something I look forward to. A space for learning and growing, a quiet time for reflection, and a way to sumarize and share the scenery I see as I walk down the road all the way into the center of the rabbit hole.

Why do you blog?

Carol will be attending the Toronto Yoga Conference in August and she will be in the panel that will talk about this.  Feel free to share with her (or in the comments here) the reasons why you blog. I will put the link to this in her post so she can see. 

May we all benefit from our modern tantric times!

Leaving Mysore, 12 things I learned in this trip

Ah, February! It is time to come back home to the freezing North East, and I am very grateful for the opportunity of this trip. Gratitude to the Gods!

On the right there is the picture I took this morning before practice, with Saraswatti.  Her friendliness always amazes me.

These are 12 of the many things I learned this time:

  1. Breathing for dropping back must be much more intense than I ever imagined. I need to breathe as if I am grasping for life, very deeply. And then some more
  2. I have filled with air certain parts of my body I did not know I had
  3. I have practiced with the intensity equivalent to all the time I spent practicing before in my whole life
  4. Do you have a question? Any question? the answer is: “Do Yoga”, the right answer will come to you
  5. “Do yoga” does not mean do poses or asanas, it means connect with God, in whichever way you understand God
  6. The 8 limbs system, or “Ashtanga Yoga” is a great lineage, I am still working at understanding and learning it all, I appreciate it and I am grateful it came into my life
  7. Mysore has changed, it now has internet in almost every home, easy plug-in cards for wireless services, garbage pickup systems, and an array of new food places (last time I was here was 2008)
  8. Practicing at the shala is highly recommended, everything people say about the energy there is true. It is a fantastic opportunity to focus on the practice and go deep.
  9. My husband has become more popular in the Ashtanga world than anyone I know, because of his post on how he was completely humiliated by yoga.  After Kino posted it on her Facebook page it became a sensation. 
  10. Emirates is still my favorite airline 
  11. Vipassana has returned as a daily practice thanks to OvO, Jen and Martina, and I am very grateful to them
  12. The last practice was intense, a sense of death and renewal filled me, there is a post coming in about it, I think that is Shiva in action
I am grateful to Sharath and Saraswati and to all the assistants in the shala, and to all the people I met.  And grateful to the Mysore napper for helping me find a home, and a great home.
I am also grateful for the opportunity to meet bloggers in real life, Skippetty, Jill, Ovo, Kino, David Garrigues, Martina, David, Napper, Jen, Laruga,  wonderful yogis who blog, I am sure there are more that I may be forgetting, guess I am jet lagged already!
I am also grateful to Pattabhi Jois and Krishnamacharya.
See you soon Mysore!
Oh, and by the way, if you have a friend coming, I now have which is easy to remember and directs to the post with everything there is to do in Mysore, it is quite helpful and I will keep adding, so feel free to share with your friends.
Also, if you post something about Mysore with info, let me know and I will link to you.

Skippetty, Owl, and Myself go to lunch with Sharath, and about another 200 Ashtangis

Sharath invited everyone out to lunch to a restaurant called “Highway 18”, I think, or was it 17?, and we all went.  Just in case you are not familiar with Ashtanga yoga, Sharath Jois is the current director of the main ashtanga yoga institute.

At noon the Pilgrim of yogis left Gokulam and in the words of my land lady “left it quiet”.  Rikshaw after rickshaw, scooter after scooter we all gathered over coconuts and headed out.

Three bloggers, Skippetty (right), Owl (center)  and well, me (left)…  they granted me permission to put up the picture, thank you guys!   

The tables were all reserved, nice..

I fancy myself a bit of a photographer later so bare with me

One of the dishes… delish…

I ate chinese vegetarian dumplings, which looked nothing like dumplings but were tasty, a bit too spicey but then again, that is how things are here

And Palak Paneer, this was amazing…

We all ate to our heart’s content

Then there was the people watching and the meeting of new friends

We did not get to see much of Sharath, but I did capture this rare photograph, Saraswati was behind him but the man with the stripped shirt is covering her.

More tables outside
And more

Perhaps the only table with local people
On the ride back towards Gokulam we took some pictures

Then we attempted the impossible and elusive four-people-to-a-rickshaw photo and it came out OK, but I have not asked permission yet to the other two ladies, will post if I obtain.

I also was very fortunate to meet David Garruiges (who has a new blog by the way) and his beautiful girlfriend.  It was such a treat to be able to thank them personally for all the videos and suggestions and to David specifically for his “asana kitchen” that we all benefit from.
And so there you have it,  I think that is as “People Magazine” as I can get… but would not hold my breath…