Found! One Lost Student of Krishnamacharya, in NYC

…It was the spring of 2009. I had just finished teaching a yoga class at a health club in Manhattan, when a man who had been waiting by the door entered and began to do his own practice. I immediately took note of his uncommon form. He was moving and breathing just as I had seen demonstrated by Srivatsa Ramaswami and A.G. Mohan, two notable students of Krishnamacharya’s.  I begged the man’s pardon for interrupting, but asked if he wouldn’t mind my asking where he had learned to practice in such a way.

“I learned in Madras, back in the 70’s” he said.  “May I ask from whom?” I inquired, to which he replied” “You probably haven’t heard of him”. I believe I then said, “Try me”. I was soon glad I had persisted; much to my delight, he said he had studied with “a man named Krishnamacharya” – (Longer intro here.)

This is how the article starts in the latest edition of NAMARUPA MAGAZINE.

I have just finished reading the article and I highly recommend it to anyone interested.  Richard -the student of Krishanamcharya- is a man of the theater but he studied with the master and kept a journal, pictures of which you can see in the article.

Krishnamacharya’s business card is one of the gem
images you can see in the article

Gratitude to Eddie Stern and Leslie Kaminoff for interviewing him and putting out the article and of course, to Daniel Dale for recognizing Richard Schechner!

You can read the article in full by downloading the US$ 2.16 Namarupa digital edition here.

Thanks also to Krishna who pointed me to the article which I had not had time to download with being busy studying with Ramaswami. What a week!

See also:
8 Stories from A.G. Mohan that Reveal What Kind of Man Krishnamacharya Was
My Favorite 8 Yoga Books of 2010

10 thoughts on “Found! One Lost Student of Krishnamacharya, in NYC

  1. great find Claudia, thanks krishna. Just ordered my digital copy and waiting for the download. Having heard so many stories from Ramaswami of this period will be interesting to hear another students experience of the same period. Not sure how i feel about K having a business card though ; )


  2. I hope you like the article G, I enjoyed it. As per the business card, well, I find it fascinating, Richard found K by “coincidence” someone recommended him to him… anyway, don't want to give the article away, would love to know what you think…


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